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Aaron and Amanda Crabb - Restore PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott Evans   
Friday, 29 July 2016 17:33

Aaron and Amanda Crabb - Restore


Click Above To Hear A Sample

Artist: Aaron and Amanda Crabb
Project Title: Restore
Label: Difference Media
Producers: Aaron Crabb

The Crabb Family has a long history in Southern Gospel Music. When the family started traveling, the “kids” were quite young but as they have grown up and started families of their own, they have also branched out and started their own very successful ministries. Aaron Crabb and his wife, Amanda have one of those ministries as pastors and singers and their latest project is titled “Restore.” The project has thirteen songs that are all rich in content and performance.

The project begins with a song titled “Time Flies.” I love this song and the message as it reminds us to slow down in life and take in all of those memories that we are making along the way. Next up on the project is a song titled “The Water.” The message is a great one and the performance is stellar as well. The tempo picks up with the next song titled “Two Coats.” What a wonderful message in this song that symbolizes our decision in life to follow Christ by taking off the old coat and putting on the new! I mentioned the project is titled “Restore” and the title song is next with “Restore Me.” What a great message of the restoration that God can and will bring to our lives if we will just ask Him.

I love songs that talk about God’s forgiveness and “Washed Away” is a song that does that! It reminds us that God will wash away all of our sins. It will truly excite you if you are a forgiven Child of God! Of course, our sins are washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ and “Your Blood” is a song that talks about the incredible, life-changing and unmatchable power that is found in God’s Blood and His Blood is enough and it is all we need to save us and restore us! As Christians, we often wonder what God looks like but, of course, we have never seen Him. However, “I’ve Seen What He Can Do” is a great song that reminds the listener that while we have never seen the face of God, we have seen what He can do! “Kingdom Come” is another beautiful song with an equally beautiful message. Here on this earth our lives can fall apart quickly. However, God specializes in putting things back together. “Back Together” is the next song and talks all about that.

God’s Mercy is one of my favorite subjects to study in the Word of God. Many of my favorite songs are also written on this subject and Aaron and Amanda Crabb have a good one with “Mercy On Me.” Dottie Rambo is one of the great writers in Southern Gospel Music history. She has written thousands of songs and “He Looked Beyond My Faults” is one of them! Aaron and Amanda have a simply amazing version of this song next on this project. Your heart and spirit will soar as you hear the words proclaim that God can and will look beyond your fault and meet each and every one of your needs! One thing we can all claim if we are a Christian is victory! “I’ve Got The Victory” reminds the listener that through God we have got the victory over anything that life brings our way. The final song on this project is titled “Miracle.” We have all seen God work miracles in our lives and this song does a great job celebrating the fact that God is still in the miracle business and we can ask Him in confidence to give one, just for us!

Aaron and Amanda Crabb come from a rich heritage in Gospel Music. This project showcases this duos talents but more than that, it showcases their commitment to their ministry. I stated that the songs were rich in content and every one of these songs has a life-changing message and they are sung with incredible talent and conviction. My favorite songs from this project are “I’ve Seen What He Can Do,” “He Looked Beyond My Faults” and “Miracle.” The entire project is first class in every way; from production to performance to the messages of the songs, this project will bless you time and time again. For more information on this project visit their website at

Last Updated on Saturday, 03 September 2016 14:12