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Final Harvest
Final Harvest is a ladies trio based in Rochester, NY and they still have dates available for 2017!!!! The message of Final Harvest: God will send to His Church an unquenchable fire. The wind of the Holy Spirit will cause it to burn hotter than on the day of Pentecost, and spread rapidly. It will spread with fury and devour all that is not holy. Then He will send the latter rain, wash away the dross, refresh and make new. The Glory of the Lord will be seen by the entire world and manifested through His Church. There begins the end time harvest.
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Nelons - Family Harmony PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott Evans   
Friday, 29 July 2016 17:36

Nelons - Famiy Harmony


Click Above To Hear A Sample

Artist: Nelons
Project Title: Family Harmony
Label: Daywind
Producer: Jason Clark

Family harmony has been a part of Southern Gospel Music almost since the inception of it. There have been many incredibly popular family groups over the years that have paved the way for today’s best-known family groups. There is something about family harmony that just seems tighter and smoother than any other kind of harmony. One of the family groups traveling today can trace their roots in Southern Gospel Music back over several decades. The Nelons are that group and they are one of the finest traveling today. One of their latest projects is appropriately titled, “Family Harmony.”

This project gets off to a fun and rousing start as the Nelons sing “I Just Can’t Make It By Myself.” This song has been around southern Gospel music for a few years and it reminds us just how much we need God in our lives to make it through the tough times and to make our lives complete. “Greater Things” is the next song on the project and what a great song that reminds us of the greater things that we are destined to see as Christians when we get to Heaven. Jason Clark is one of today’s best songwriters in Southern Gospel Music and he contributes to three of the songs on this project including “Days Of Jericho.” It is an up tempo song that will be enjoyed by all who hear it.

“Imagine Hallelujah” is a beautiful song that is a wonderful song of worship and praise. The song takes us to a place of heavenly and eternal praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. My mom passed away nearly thirteen years ago but one of her favorite songs was “Suppertime.” I have not heard anyone record this Ira Stanphill classic in a long time but the Nelons have recorded it here with Bill Gaither doing the recitation on the song. The song means a lot to me and I love the Nelons version of it. Another song of nostalgia is next as the Nelons sing “When Grandpa Sang Amazing Grace.” It is a wonderful song that will likely bring many memories to your mind of your loved ones who have passed on to Glory.

Have you ever been in a place where you thought that God might give up on you? I have wondered before why God did not give up on me and this song that Jason wrote titled “Don’t Give Up On Me” is an amazing song that will bless you if you have ever been in that state of mind. The good news is that God will not ever give up on you or me! A Bill and Gloria Gaither song is next and I have loved this song since I first heard it several years ago! “Songs That Answer Questions” is the name of the song and it reminds us that we should be out there telling others about Jesus Christ! What a relevant message that every Christian needs to hear today! The project ends with the great Dottie Rambo song “We Shall Behold Him” and quite likely the very best performance I have ever heard on this song. Amber Nelon Thompson knocks it “out of the park” and beyond as she sings this great song celebrating the day that we will see our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, face to face!

Kelly, Jason, Amber and Autumn have an incredible project here. The Nelons have been putting out quality projects for years and years now and I always wonder how they can top the previous one and yet, they always seem to manage to do it! This project has a great mix of new songs and old songs, each one touching your heart in a special way. My favorite songs from this project are “Suppertime,” “Don’t Give Up On Me” and “We Shall Behold Him.” The entire project will bless you abundantly and I encourage you to get a copy today and begin receiving a great blessing! For more information on the Nelons, visit their website at

Last Updated on Monday, 05 September 2016 08:45