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Final Harvest
Final Harvest is a ladies trio based in Rochester, NY and they still have dates available for 2017!!!! The message of Final Harvest: God will send to His Church an unquenchable fire. The wind of the Holy Spirit will cause it to burn hotter than on the day of Pentecost, and spread rapidly. It will spread with fury and devour all that is not holy. Then He will send the latter rain, wash away the dross, refresh and make new. The Glory of the Lord will be seen by the entire world and manifested through His Church. There begins the end time harvest.
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WVSG Radio is an Online Southern Gospel Radio Station playing some of the very best in Southern Gospel Music! Click your way over there and begin enjoying the music today!
Praise Radio
Praise Radio is an online radio station out of Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada. It is owned and operated Byron Fester. The station plays the very finest in Gospel Music, all done to the Glory of God!
Christmas Thoughts PDF Print E-mail
Written by Scott Evans   
Saturday, 24 December 2016 00:00

”For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”

That is a very familiar verse found in the Bible in Luke, chapter 2, verse 11.  That proclamation given to the shepherds in the field on that first Christmas Day was a proclamation that changed the world forever.  A Savior is born.  A baby was born that day in Bethlehem but there was something very special about this baby.

I have found over the years that many non-believers in this world either do not realize or do not believe that they need to be saved from anything.  The language in that verse would indicate the if a Savior was born, that we needed to be saved from something!  Many people believe that they can earn their own way to heaven.  They rationalize that they are better than this person or better than that person.  I have no doubt that many reading this article are a better person than I am.

Here is the problem.  Jesus says in His Word; I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” The Bible also says in Romans 3:23; “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” So, what do we need to be saved from?  We need to be saved from the consequences of our sin.  There is no one on this earth that is perfect and perfection is what is required to get to heaven.

However, as the opening verse states, a Savior has been born and His name is Jesus Christ.  We tend to get caught up in the “traditional” things of Christmas.  I enjoy many of those traditions; things like shopping, baking, decorating, snowball fights, sledding, caroling, church pageants, Christmas Music, gathering with family and friends, Christmas Parties, gift giving and receiving and all the rest!  However, have you ever considered the very first gift of Christmas?  The answer can be found in one of the most familiar verses in the Bible.  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

That’s right!  God loves us and He GAVE his only son.  That Baby born so many years ago, grew up to become a man.  He was God in the flesh and lived a sinless, perfect life.  His earthly ministry is well documented in the New Testament but it was the fact that He went to the cross, died for our sins as a perfect sacrifice and rose again that gives us our opportunity to receive that greatest gift of all.  Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever given to mankind and if you do not know him as your personal Savior, I invite you to accept Him as your Savior today!  Click on this link for more information on how to invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life today.

From all of us here at the Southern Gospel Music Forum, I would like to extend our wishes for a very Merry Christmas!  We wish the peace, love, joy and hope of this Christmas Season to be found in your life this blessed time of year.  Remember the reason we celebrate and remember that Jesus is more than a baby in a manger, He is the Savior of the world and He wants to be your Savior too.