Final Harvest
Final Harvest is a ladies trio based in Rochester, NY and they still have dates available for 2017!!!! The message of Final Harvest: God will send to His Church an unquenchable fire. The wind of the Holy Spirit will cause it to burn hotter than on the day of Pentecost, and spread rapidly. It will spread with fury and devour all that is not holy. Then He will send the latter rain, wash away the dross, refresh and make new. The Glory of the Lord will be seen by the entire world and manifested through His Church. There begins the end time harvest.
WVSG Radio
WVSG Radio is an Online Southern Gospel Radio Station playing some of the very best in Southern Gospel Music! Click your way over there and begin enjoying the music today!
Praise Radio
Praise Radio is an online radio station out of Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada. It is owned and operated Byron Fester. The station plays the very finest in Gospel Music, all done to the Glory of God!
Chronicle -- Sunday Morning Red Back Hymnal
Written by Scott Evans
Monday, 14 January 2019 07:04
Click Above To Hear A Sample
Artist: Chronicle Project Title: Sunday Morning Red Back Hymnal Label: Independent Producers: Ricky Atkinson, Danny Crawford and Tim Kinchen
I always love it when an artist goes back and records songs from the old hymn books! Chronicle’s latest project includes ten songs from the Redback Hymnal, and they have appropriately titled the project “Sunday Morning Redback Hymnal.” Most of these songs are songs that I grew up singing in church and, if you grew up in church, you likely did too! Chronicle has some great arrangements on these songs, and you will really enjoy hearing these hymns again!
When it comes to classic, up-beat songs out of the hymnal, there are probably very few, if any, that are as well known at “The Old Gospel Ship.” Tim and Missy Kinchen, who make up Chronicle, do an excellent job singing this incredible song and it is a rousing start to this project. “Don’t Let Me Walk Too Far From Calvary” is a beautiful song that I honestly am not real familiar with. I love the song though and the message to constantly be reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus made on Calvary that day. There is no one that is a greater friend than Jesus and the old hymn “No Not One” does a tremendous job reminding us of that! This upbeat version on this project is awesome too!
Certainly, one of the most well-known songs anywhere is “Amazing Grace.” It is one of the first songs that I ever remember hearing in church and Chronicle has included the song next on this project. “City Of Gold” is one of those songs that gets up and goes! I have always loved this song but have not heard it in quite some time. I enjoyed this version a lot. A song that brings back a lot of memories for me is “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” It was a favorite song of my mom’s and I can remember her requesting it often in church. It is a beautiful message and melody and a song that I will always love. Another of the classic songs on this project is “Sweet By And By.” It is a very familiar song that is a favorite of many.
One of my personal favorite hymns is “I Don’t Know About Tomorrow” and I love that Chronicle included it on this project! I also love their arrangement of the song! I don’t know about tomorrow but thank God, He does! Another song that is very well-known is “The Old Rugged Cross.” If you grew up in church, you probably sang that song hundreds of times. I still love it and it remains one of my all-time favorite hymns. The final song on the project is called “Lean Medley” and it includes several songs about leaning on and trusting in Jesus! It is a great medley and terrific ending to this incredible project!
I am here to tell you that there is no way you can go wrong with the old hymns of the church. If you love the old hymns of the church and you love good Southern Gospel singing than this project is for you! It has ten beloved hymns all expertly produced, arranged and sung by Chronicle. It is hard to pick favorites when every song is so well-known but that is what I do so I have chosen these three as my favorites; “The Old Gospel Ship,” “City Of Gold” and “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” Honestly though, every song is a favorite and if you love the hymns of the church as much as I do, what are you waiting for? Get your copy of “Sunday Morning Redback Hymnal” today! Chronicle and the hymns of the church … a winning recipe for sure! For more information on Chronicle, visit their website at