Stevens Family -- Heritage Of Hymns |
Written by Scott Evans
Saturday, 20 September 2008 10:57 |
Artist: Stevens Family
Project Title: Heritage Of Hymns Label: Independent Producer: Rich & Tami Stevens Reviewed By: Scott Evans Purchase this project at: Probably nearly every Gospel Music group has recorded a hymns project sometime in their life. The Stevens Family are one of the latest to do so and this collection of ten familiar hymns are all favorites in Gospel Music. The project is well done and the selection of songs is great. "Yes I Know" is a favorite from the Gaither Vocal Band and may not be a true hymn as we might think of hymns but this song is a classic and a favorite of many. The next song brought back many great memories for me. "Mansion Over The Hilltop" was my mom's favorite song and I enjoyed this version. "The Love Of God" is next and this is one of my top three or four favorite hymns. The a cappella version and harmonies by the Stevens Family is very good. Another of my top three or four favorite hymns is next with "In The Garden." What a great song and the efforts from the Stevens Family is awesome! "Standing On The Promises" is another very familiar hymn and this version might be slightly different than you are use to but it works and it is quite enjoyable. "There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood" is one of the all time great songs about the Blood of Jesus! "He Set Me Free" is a great upbeat song and the Stevens Family sings it very well. "Satisfied" is such a popular song title I was eager to see which song this was. I was not disappointed! "He The Pearly Gates Will Open" is a great, old hymn! I don't think I have heard that song in years but I enjoyed hearing the words once again. "Softly And Tenderly" is the final song on the project and once again it showcases the harmonies from this group. The Stevens Family has some very good ability to harmonize as a group. They showcase that several times with these familiar songs and hymns. The production is very good on the project as well. My favorite songs on this project are "In The Garden," "The Love Of God" and "Mansion Over The Hilltop." I always enjoy a good project full of great, old hymns and this one fits the bill! I believe this group will only continue to get better and better with time. For more information on the Stevens Family, visit their website at |
Triumphant Quartet -- You Gotta Love It |
Written by Scott Evans
Saturday, 20 September 2008 10:49 |
Artist: Triumphant Quartet
Project Title: You Gotta Love It
Label: Daywind
Producer: Steve W. Mauldin
Purchase this project at:
The Triumphant Quartet is one of today's top quartets and their latest project just continues to prove that! I think I have every project that this group has ever recorded and it seems that each one just gets better and better. The latest, on the Daywind label, is titled "You Gotta Love It" and I do!
"Giver Creator Savior" is the first song and it's written by Rodney Griffin. That should be enough to tell you how good it is but just in case, it is an upbeat song that showcases the male quartet abilities of the Triumphant Quartet. "You Gotta Love It" is the title song of the project and this catchy tune will spend the rest of the day going through your head once you hear it! The song talks about how you gotta love what Jesus did for me! "Smack Dab In The Middle Of His Will" is a neat song written by Chris Binion and group member, Scott Inman. The reminds us that the best place is right in the middle of God's Will! "He Will Be" slows down the pace a bit as the song reminds us that God will be much more than we ever need.
"Let It Be Me" tells us a couple of things. First of all it is a brand new song written by Ronny Hinson. He is one of the great writers of all time and you will love this new effort. The other thing it confirms is that Eric Bennett is one of the best bass singers today! "The Great I Am Still Is" was co-written by Phil Cross and Twila LaBar and what a great effort. The song reminds us that the same God of yesterday is still alive and in charge of everything today! "The Old White Flag" almost has a country or bluegrass feel to it. It's a bit different style but I still enjoyed the Triumphant Quartet singing this style.
"He Rescued Me" is pure quartet singing. While enjoying that you can also be blessed by the message that God can and will rescue you from whatever you face. "Delivered Again" features one of today's top tenor singers in David Sutton. The song is a slow pace with a good message of Christ delivering His Child from their past! The Triumphant Quartet went back and got a Dottie Rambo classic next! "The Holy Hills Of Heaven" is an awesome song you will enjoy the Triumphant Quartet's version. The pianist for the group is Jeff Stice and he wrote the final song on the project titled "I Know I'm Going Home." It's a great, upbeat song reminding us that we are heading Home to Heaven some day!
I have already written about the Triumphant Quartet's place amongst the finest quartets of today. I do honestly believe that they would rank in the top two or three male quartets traveling today. This project is wide variety of types of songs and styles but the group never wanders far from their Southern Gospel roots and they sing three or four traditional quartet songs that are unbeatable! My favorite songs from the project are "I Know I'm Going Home," "You Gotta Love It" and "The Great I Am Still Is." If you take one of today's top groups and couple them with one of today's top recording labels, you will find a winning project that you've gotta love! This is it! For more information visit |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 July 2013 18:59 |
Written by Scott Evans
Saturday, 20 September 2008 10:45 |
Artist: Anchormen
Project Title: Glory Ahead Label: Anchormen Music Group Producer: Wesley Pritchard Reviewed By: Scott Evans Purchase this project at: It's hard to say how many projects I have heard by the Anchormen over the years. I have enjoyed the singing of this group for many, many years and I have befriended many of the various group members over the years as I have probably seen this group live as much if not more than any other group. I always love a new project from the Anchormen because it means good, quality male quartet singing! This project delivered just that! A Bill and Gloria Gaither song is always a great way to start a project and the Anchormen do a fine job on "I'll Meet You On The Mountain." One of my favorite writers who may not be known by everyone reading this is Patti Hawkins. Patti wrote "Harmony With Him" and the guys do a great job on this song that reminds us that we need to be in harmony with Christ. "Never Weak On My Knees" is a great reminder that as we "fight" in God's Army, we are never weak if we are on our knees in prayer to Him. The next song is "For The Life Of Me" and it is a great play on words. It initially speaks of how "for the life of me" we can't imagine why God would give His life for us! An expression I am sure that we have all used. However, the chorus reminds us that God did it for the life of us! "Take 'Em To The Lord" is a wonderful reminder that we can take all of our burdens to the Lord in prayer! "Come See Me" is another Gaither song that took me a bit to remember. The song is a great one though and you will enjoy and be blessed by it. "Walkin' In The Favor Of God" is a great up tempo song and it pretty much expresses our wish as Christians. The next song slows it down and it reminds us about the importance of faith. "Walk By Faith" reminds us that we should always follow God's leading as He will guide us all the way and He always knows best. "Walk And Talk With Jesus" features some great bass singing and some good quartet harmonies on the chorus. It's an upbeat, quartet number that you will enjoy. "Come On Out Of The Wilderness" is a Savanna Foust song that sounds familiar but I am not sure if I have heard it before or not! Either way, the song is great and encourages everyone to come on out of the wilderness! "Reach Out To Jesus" slows down the tempo a lot. This is not the great, old song that many remember but this song is a great one. Written by Glen Bates and Marty Funderburk, this song reminds us that God is reaching out to us, all we need to do is reach out to Him. "The News Is Out" is the final song on the project and this upbeat song is a perfect way to end this incredible project. As I said, I have followed the Anchormen for a long time. This project, like many before it, is a high quality project. I enjoyed every song and every song was performed in that classic, male quartet style. The production from Wesley Pritchard is top notch and the instrumentation is done to perfection. My favorite songs from the project are "Harmony With Him," "For The Life Of Me" and "The News Is Out." The entire project is first class all the way and I would encourage you to add this one to you Southern Gospel Music collection! For more information on the Anchormen, visit |
Written by Scott Evans
Saturday, 20 September 2008 10:38 |
Artist: HisSong
Project Title: On The Way Up
Label: Vine Records
Producer: Wayne Haun
Purchase this project at:
HisSong is a male trio that has been around for a few years now. They have shown to have talent and ability to sing Southern Gospel Music, and to sing it quite well! This project continues to build on that as the guys turn in their best effort to date on their latest project.
"On The Way Up" is a terrific Joel Hemphill song that I have not heard for a long time! I enjoyed it and HisSong did a fine job singing this song. "The Grave Can't Hold Me" is a song with a terrific message reminding the listener that if you are a Christian, even the grave won't be able to hold us when Jesus returns. Another Joel Hemphill song is next with "The Miracle Man." Another great effort reminding us about the wonder of that Miracle Man. "Out Of His Way" is a slow ballad that is a beautiful message reminding us of what Jesus did for us.
"Through Every Storm" is another slow song that was co-written by group member Dennis Humphries. As the title suggest, it reminds the listener that God is faithful and with us through every storm and trial we face. The message is great and the vocal performance is very good. "Our Highest Praise" picks up the tempo a little bit and it's a great song of worship to Christ. "Because Of The Blood" is a brand new song reminding us of the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus. A true Southern Gospel barn burner is next as HisSong tackles "Joy In My Heart." That great song was co-written by Walt Mills and Tonya Goodman Sykes. I think I first heard it in the early 1990's and this version is as good as any other I have heard.
"I Still Have It All" reminds us that the earthly things we value are only for a season and that even if we lose everything we have, because of Jesus, we still have it all! A great message and a good reminder to everyone who listens. Many times as Christians we think about the incredible beauty of Heaven and everything that we will see when we arrive. HisSong's next song is titled "The Things That Won't Be There" and it is a celebration of the things won't be in Heaven! It's a great list! "That's When God Steps In" is a true song of hope to anyone going through a trial. It reminds the listener that when it seems all hope is lost, that's when God steps in. The final song on the project is titled "I Don't Regret." As the title might suggest, the song says that we don't regret the day we chose to follow Christ! Amen to that!
HisSong is a very talented trio as their projects have shown. Unfortunately, they are probably not quite as well known as they should be considering their talent. I have to believe that this project on Vine Records with Wayne Haun producing is a great step in letting everyone know about the great talent that is HisSong. My favorite songs from the project are "On The Way Up," "Joy In My Heart" and "Through Every Storm." The project has twelve good songs all sung beautifully by HisSong. I hope everyone reading this will get a copy and listen to this very talented group! For more information on HisSong visit |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 July 2013 19:00 |
Tribute Quartet -- My Tribute |
Written by Scott Evans
Saturday, 20 September 2008 10:29 |
Artist: Tribute Quartet
Project Title: My Tribute Label: BSA World Records Producer: Glen Bates, Arthur Rice Reviewed By: Scott Evans Purchase this project at: It seems as though another male quartet pops up in Southern Gospel just about every month. The Tribute Quartet is one that stands heads and shoulders above most anything that the industry has had to offer in the past three or four years. This group of guys can flat out sing and they do it with the traditional style and flair that I love! "Brother Don't Lose The Shout" gets the project off to a rousing start and the group shows their quartet harmonies from the beginning. "God Can't Remember" is another fast song and what a great message! The song talks about how God can't remember what we can't forget. Think about that! What a great message! "My Tribute To You" is the title song of the project and this songs slows down the pace. What a great vocal performance on this song that talks of our tribute to God once we are saved. The next song is as pure quartet singing as you will find! I enjoyed "I Found A Place" in a great way! "In The Shelter Of His Hands" is an easy listening style song with a great message. We can certainly all take comfort if we are resting in the shelter of God's mighty Hand. "You'd Better Have A Boat" is a different style of song. The style of the song reminds of the great Southern Gospel song "Noah Found Grace In The Eyes Of The Lord" but the message is much different as it reminds the listener that you better have a boat for all of the "high seas" of life! "God Knows" is an absolutely beautiful song. The slow melody and lyric reminds us that "God Knows" exactly what we face and more importantly, He cares! That tempo picks up once again with "I'm In That Crowd." It's a song proclaiming that we are in that crowd of believers that is not afraid to stand. "It's Always Been You" is a really neat song that reminds us that God has always been guiding our life. He is responsible for every dream that ever came true. I believe that every male quartet somewhere in their history has to record a song with a train whistle in it! The Tribute Quartet found a good one with "Heaven In Sight." "The Other Side Of Calvary" slows it down again and proclaims the peace and grace you will find at Calvary. The final song on the project is a bonus track of an outstanding Christmas song! That's right, the title is "Give The Gift" and the song is great all year long and I really enjoyed this song! It reminds us to give the gift that keeps on giving, of course, that would be to share the Jesus in your heart! The Tribute Quartet is well on their way to becoming one of the best in our industry! I really enjoyed this entire project. The vocal presentations are nothing short of spectacular and the production is very good as well. The song selection is great and this all adds up to a high quality project. I had a difficult time picking favorites because I truly love every song on this recording. I finally did decide on "God Knows," "God Can't Remember" and "I Found A Place" as my favorites from this project. This project is good, quality, male quartet singing at its very best so get a copy now and start enjoying this talented group! For more information on the Tribute Quartet, visit |
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