Browders - Time Machine Print
Written by Scott Evans   
Monday, 09 June 2014 16:43

Browders - Time Machine


Click Above To Hear A Sample

Artist: Browders
Project Title: Time Machine; A Musical Journey

Label: Daywind
Producers: Kevin Ward, The Browders

The Browders are a group that I have been familiar with for quite a long time.  However, this is the very first time that I have received a full project them!  It is a wonderful project that is very good and I am excited to be able to review their latest project titled “Time Machine; A Musical Journey.” 

The project begins with a wonderful song of worship titled “Lift Up His Name.”  It proclaims that we will always life up the Name of Jesus and forever tell the world who He is!  Next on the project is a song titled “He’s Alive.”  It proclaims that God is alive and has risen again!  What a great proclamation and what an amazing truth as well!  The title cut of the project is next with “Time Machine.”  The song is a great reminder that we cannot go back in time so we should make the most of every moment, each and every day!  “Listening For The Shout” really picks up the tempo and it is a great song reminding everyone that we are just listening for the shout when God calls us home!

“He Took The Nails” is a beautiful ballad reminding the listener that Christ took our place on Calvary.  It is a very moving song which personally blessed me tremendously.  I love the lines that say “I took forgiveness.  He took the nails.”  Next on the project is a very good song of encouragement titled “Whatever You’re Going Through.”  The song reminds us that God will always be there no matter what you are going through.  There have been a long of songs written about God’s plan being the best plan but “God Knows What’s Best” was written by Tammy Browder and this really hits home that great message that every Christian knows but needs to be reminded of from time to time.

The tempo picks up once again with “Pick Me Up.”  It reminds us that those great songs that pick you up are the very best kind!  “The Reason” is a beautiful song that tells the listener that the reason for our joy and happiness lives within us in the form of Jesus Christ!  “New Song” picks up the pace once again and I love this song that talks about the new song that will begin when Jesus Christ comes back and calls all of the believer’s home to Heaven!  The final song on the project is a wonderful song that you will absolutely love!  The title of the song is “Waiting For You To Get Home.”  The song tells a touching story of a father and son that really brings a great message home at the end! 

The Browders are a very talented family which is evidenced in many ways on this project.  Every song was written or co-written by a member of the group!  The project has eleven great songs and each one will bless you in a very different and unique way.  My favorite songs from this project were hard to pick but I finally decided on “He Took The Nails,” “Lift Up His Name” and “The Reason.”  This project is first class all the way.  It has incredible songs and very good performances on those songs.  This is one of those projects that you should add to your collection and just allow the music and songs to bless you time and time again.  For more information on the Browders, visit their website at

Last Updated on Monday, 09 June 2014 21:11