Tribute Quartet -- My Tribute Print
Written by Scott Evans   
Saturday, 20 September 2008 10:29

Tribute Quartet -- My TributeArtist: Tribute Quartet

Project Title: My Tribute

Label: BSA World Records

Producer: Glen Bates, Arthur Rice

Reviewed By: Scott Evans


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It seems as though another male quartet pops up in Southern Gospel just about every month.  The Tribute Quartet is one that stands heads and shoulders above most anything that the industry has had to offer in the past three or four years.  This group of guys can flat out sing and they do it with the traditional style and flair that I love!


"Brother Don't Lose The Shout" gets the project off to a rousing start and the group shows their quartet harmonies from the beginning.  "God Can't Remember" is another fast song and what a great message!  The song talks about how God can't remember what we can't forget.  Think about that!  What a great message!  "My Tribute To You" is the title song of the project and this songs slows down the pace.  What a great vocal performance on this song that talks of our tribute to God once we are saved.  The next song is as pure quartet singing as you will find!  I enjoyed "I Found A Place" in a great way!


"In The Shelter Of His Hands" is an easy listening style song with a great message.  We can certainly all take comfort if we are resting in the shelter of God's mighty Hand.  "You'd Better Have A Boat" is a different style of song.  The style of the song reminds of the great Southern Gospel song "Noah Found Grace In The Eyes Of The Lord" but the message is much different as it reminds the listener that you better have a boat for all of the "high seas" of life!  "God Knows" is an absolutely beautiful song.  The slow melody and lyric reminds us that "God Knows" exactly what we face and more importantly, He cares!  That tempo picks up once again with "I'm In That Crowd."  It's a song proclaiming that we are in that crowd of believers that is not afraid to stand.


"It's Always Been You" is a really neat song that reminds us that God has always been guiding our life.  He is responsible for every dream thatBuy It Now! ever came true.  I believe that every male quartet somewhere in their history has to record a song with a train whistle in it!  The Tribute Quartet found a good one with "Heaven In Sight."  "The Other Side Of Calvary" slows it down again and proclaims the peace and grace you will find at Calvary.  The final song on the project is a bonus track of an outstanding Christmas song!  That's right, the title is "Give The Gift" and the song is great all year long and I really enjoyed this song!  It reminds us to give the gift that keeps on giving, of course, that would be to share the Jesus in your heart!


The Tribute Quartet is well on their way to becoming one of the best in our industry!  I really enjoyed this entire project.  The vocal presentations are nothing short of spectacular and the production is very good as well.  The song selection is great and this all adds up to a high quality project.  I had a difficult time picking favorites because I truly love every song on this recording.  I finally did decide on "God Knows," "God Can't Remember" and "I Found A Place" as my favorites from this project.  This project is good, quality, male quartet singing at its very best so get a copy now and start enjoying this talented group!  For more information on the Tribute Quartet, visit