The Lord's Corner -- Is God Talking To You? Print
Written by Alena Petersen   
Thursday, 19 September 2013 19:18

Hi and welcome to the Lord’s Corner. Thought about interesting topics to write about and hope you will enjoy and give feedback.  The first is a critique of an interesting book I read talking about God talking. So many Christians tell me God talks to them audibly!  WOW!   I am beginning to think I am not saved. I never heard Him speak out loud to me or give me a vision. Am I not walking with Him?  This insecurity about my salvation bothered me so I decided to research.  Please offer comments or even read the book for yourself.

Text Review of "Good News for Anxious Christians"

Underlining important sentences, phrases, and even paragraphs has always helped me to remember certain points in a text. Phillip Cary’s "Good News for Anxious Christians":

"10 Practical Things You Don’t Have to Do" (Brazos Press. Grand Rapids, MI. 2010), was different.  Looking back through the book, I see where most of the words are not only highlighted in bright pink and fluorescent yellow, but there are notes penned around the margins! Gee, I wonder who did all of the artwork in my textbook?

Cary presents the topics in an organized, clear way with examples of every-day life which I immediately identified with. The author is critical of “new evangelical theology” and explains that it is not a biblical discipleship model of Christianity and actually keeps a believer from following Christ in truth. This philosophy does not promote a deeper walk with the Lord, it does the opposite of what its proponents claim (x).  He describes the different topics and shows how they are not helpful to the Christian, but harmful because these ideas and rituals actually keep the believer from developing the actual relationship with God as the Bible prescribes. Carey is agreeing with Paul’s teaching (Rom. 10:17) when he points out that the “best way to change our lives is to hear Christ preached, learn who he is, and put our whole trust in him” (xi).

Falling into this trap of the false teaching is easy because this type of theology is so prevalent in a lot of churches. It actually happened to me several times. Well, I prayed and told God He was in charge and I surrender all to Him.  Time passed, and He never answered. All my friends received answers and convictions. God spoke to them and showed them more things than He did to Moses!  I truly became anxious and thought that because I did not get a clear directive from my Savior that I was somehow sinning.  I agree with what the author wrote, “So the more anxious we are, the less we trust God’s word, and the more likely we are to try looking into our own hearts to find the Holy Spirit”.  Fear and sadness gripped me for a long time until I finally realized that the answers were in the Bible and not inside me. I read, and memory, that God says that He does not give me a spirit of fear. He gives me power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). This “sound mind” finds God’s truth in His Word and when I am obedient and read His Word, I become wise and can make proper decisions.

This book has reaffirmed and made clear that God is a person and speaks to His children from outside of their hearts. “The Spirit has always spoken through external words…He does not come to give people private instructions…” (16).  As for my friends, that have heard from the LORD more that Moses, they are deceiving themselves.

Hope this helps you as much as the reading did me.  Please feel free to offer opinions, for I am interested in your thoughts.  Until next time, “The Lord Bless you and keep you”


Alena PetersenAlena Petersen was born in Elmira, New York, but grew up in Maryland, near Annapolis. Upon graduation, I entered nursing school in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduation I married a naval officer at the U.S. Naval Academy in 1987. We have moved all around the country as my husband served in the Navy. We have two adult children and live in rural southeastern PA. I am currently a graduate student at Lancaster Bible College ( studying counseling from a Biblical worldview. We attend and serve in a small church and I sing soprano in a gospel quartet. I enjoy spending time with my family and our cats. I love to travel and have with my husband, whose nickname is, SugarLips!  The most amazing thing to me is how the LORD, through His infinite mercy saved me. John 3:16, Psalm 91 and 23, Prov. 3:5-6 are some of my favorite verses. I have clung to Isaiah 41:10 and have taught that to my children. My goal in life is to praise Messiah Jesus and proclaim His Gospel.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 October 2013 21:04